Life is better together
Being part of a community group means more than just talking with each other. It means doing life together. If there’s one thing we need right now (other than a relationship with Jesus), it’s each other.

Why do Community Groups Exist?
It is through life together that our problems become smaller and God uses others to bring support and encouragement to our lives. Even when you might not realize you need it, your life group will quickly become a place where others don’t just know your name, but care about what is happening in your life and want to support you in your spiritual journey.
What is a community group?
A Community Group is made up of people who share similar interests, are in the same stage of life, or want to learn from each other. People gather for all sorts of reasons whether it's playing a sport, spending time at the park, having lunch during the work day, or studying the Bible together. The point is not what you meet about, it’s that you are regularly meeting with people and living in community as God designed you to do.
Why Should I join a Community group?
At MCC we want you to grow spiritually and connect with new people. Community Groups are how we make sure that happens. Our groups help us thrive as a church community and they are full of life and growth.
Sign up for a Community group
We'd love to get you connected to a small group nearby.
Fill out the form below to get started.
Community groups help people grow in their faith and build community. Our groups take place throughout the week in different neighborhoods, so use this form to find a group that's right for you. We'd love to have you join us!